i hope you enjoy this lovely post by morgan! it is very informative and entertaining about the world of filmmaking, something that i (jocee) want to possibly get into in later years. do read and show her some love at her blog!
It all started with a daydream. I was thirteen, the summer of 0'9. I have always loved building forts and dressing up and calling all my friends over to play house. That was my utopia.
So on an ordinary summer day , I was cleaning out "my" land (actually it's the backyard where all my "houses" are built). And then, boom! An idea for a movie struck me! Which was weird because making movies was never anything I had ever thought about. But suddenly here I was in my dress up skirt determined to make a movie about the mid-west. So, what I did was quickly emailed all my friends and started writing out my ideas. All of them quickly agreed and only a few days later we shot my first movie; Little Clinic in the Woods. The story was about three girls moving from New York city to a place called Sikeston Missouri. Being use to the city life they were, the girls naturally had a few struggles adjusting to their new life. I was so proud of my first movie! But we had a few problems.. Back in those days my family still owned one of those big clunky video cameras that took vhs, so the battery was either dying or I was running out of tape space. But all to say we had alot of fun, and I was forever hooked on movie-making.
A few years passed and I was still making movies , but I felt like it was time to move on to more interesting stories, and not just my amateur comedies. So last Fall, I came up with yet another idea. Robin Hood. Well, technically it's Robin & Rowan Hood, the epic story of a peasant girl who has skill with the bow. I spent seven months on that film, when all my other movies just took a few hours. But I learned so much, and enjoyed every minute! I am very proud of it, and I am looking forward to my next movie idea ;)
I have learned alot about being a director. Mostly about myself. I have always liked organizing, directing various projects and of course sewing and dressing up. I found it pretty cool how everything I am interested (almost everything) falls under the category of film. It has been an amazing journey. Last year I won a library video contest in which the reward was $50 gift card to Best-Buy. I used that to buy a more in depth software. That same week I was blessed with a really really good video camera, which I still use.
And this summer I am filming my Uncle's wedding.
I am a dreamer. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me. Right now I am almost seventeen, I am a photographer, writer, designer and many many other things.
I hope you enjoyed a little bit about my story. The place at where I am now, is because I listened to a daydream the summer of 09.