
So here's the thing:

I'm going to camp this year. I have lots of summer plans. Life is going to be very unpredictable this summer. I can't promise a certain day or time or really anything. And that's all completely fine by me. But that will mean leaving this precious little blog tucked away for a while. So here's the thing: I won't be posting on AOU this summer...and we'll just have to see if I'll be back in the fall. But I know all the other girls will be just as fantastic without me! It will be sad leaving you all (even if it's just for a little while), but I'll definitely keep up with what's going on.

Until next time (if I can fit it in my schedule) and you'll see me in the comments,
Megan Kristine


  1. Aww! We'll miss you Megan!


  2. I will miss all your pictures and blogs posts, but I hope you have an amazing time at camp!

  3. We'll miss you, hope you get posting later! Go for it if you get bored:)

  4. we'll definitely miss you, megan! i do hope you have a great time at camp :)

  5. Aww, how sad :( We're all going to miss you when you're gone! Have fun at camp (and that photo up there is lovely, by the way) xx

  6. TEARS. i'll miss your hilarity, darling! come back soon!
