
Inside, Outside, Upside Down.

Although I feel like the odd duck, there's one thing that I don't have in common with most bloggers: I am not an avid reader. However, I have been striving to become one, primarily via Maud Hart Lovelace's timeless classics. Currently I'm nibbling through "Betsy Was a Junior," and if you were here, you could find me reading everywhere. In the perfect branch of my favorite tree, on my bed by twinkle light, tucked in my favorite nook of the roof.
I'm not exactly sure why I like these books as much as I do. Maybe it's because they've shaped my childhood, ever since my mother read me "Betsy-Tacy" when I was four. Maybe it's because some of the stories made me laugh until my sides hurt. Or maybe it's because all of the characters have something that I don't have: a tight-knit community of co-ed friends, in a time where picnics, parties on the lawn, and singing around the piano were everyday occasions. Either way, they'll keep me on my way to being avid about books.

Are you an avid reader?



  1. that cookie looks GOOD.. I USED to be an avid reader.. but life got REALLY busy. :P buuutt.. summer's coming up!! (:


  2. i used to read so much... then i started high school and life got insanely busy. but over the summer, i'm planning to start reading more again :)

  3. Avid reader is one term that defines who I am. I simply am entranced with books! The Betsy-Tacy series by Maud Hart Lovelace (don't you just love her name) is a favorite of mine.

  4. Same here Lindsey! I love to read, but I've found myself not a very avid reader.

  5. i've been getting back into the avid reading bit. i stopped for awhile because of such busyness/laziness, but now i'm trying to get on it again. great post.
    -jocee <3

  6. I'm a semi-avid reader! Sometimes I'll go on reading sprees and read 2-4 books a week, but other times I won't read for a month straight! Guess it depends how busy I am :)

  7. I agree with Hope--it definitely depends on how busy I am. Unfortunately, the short snippets of free time I had during the college years transformed me into a slightly attention-deficit reader, but now that it's summer, I'm exercising my reading muscles!

  8. I absolutely love to read! So much! I can't wait for Summer so I will have more free time to read! :)


  9. i'm definitely an avid reader. i call myself a bookaholic ;)

  10. Oh my word! Betsy-Tacy! I didn't know that anyone else knew about those :D I read the first few when I was a little girl, and I've been catching up on the rest of them this past year. And yes, I'm afraid you could term me as an avid reader.

  11. no I'm not. but I'm in love with books! i love owning them and reading them. i just can't do too much reading... i tend to over read. like i'll read a book or two in a short amount of time then i need a break. but i love reading :)

  12. I love to read books, but probably not an avid-reader as I used to be, with the busy schedule and all. It's nice to see you're reading that book! I haven't read it yet, but it sounds really great xx

  13. I need to read like some people need to sleep. End of story.

    Abbie /// XOXOX

  14. I love reading...like really LOVE. I've read most of the Betsy-Tacy series...they're so good!!

