
35mm film + camera

It started with a little digging through of photos mom had taken from when we were little. And the times when all the old folks, who would hear my shutter clicking which never ceased, commented on how photographers today just snap endlessly -- so unlike when there was film. It started when I found that comfort in flipping through the old photos. Touching and feeling their surfaces.

A couple of days ago, I asked mom about her old 35mm. She brought it out. We went to the store and bought film and batteries. I've got 3 rolls of film, each with 24 exposures. I've only taken 2 photos with the old film camera so far, which is so unlike the 200 daily I took when I first got my DSLR. Because I'm cherishing these photos. Because I don't want to take photos for granted any longer.

Have you ever done film photography?
Megan Kristine
p.s. it's raining outside and I am a happy girl.


  1. Love. Love. Love. Beautiful pictures! I love film, but haven't really used it much. I do have several very old film cameras, though, and I hope to try them out soon. I love how unpredictable film is.

  2. Megan, I read "To kill a mockingjay" just now. Obsessed? Nah. Great pictures!

    1. Don't worry, you aren't the only one. I keep accidentally calling it that. ;)
      I'm so obsessed it's insane.

  3. ooh!! My mom has an old 35mm Canon that she used for years. :D I love it. I have used it a little before but I have been wanting to get it out and use it more. :D It takes gorgeous photos. Those old cameras are so fun. ^_^ <3 luv the pix!

  4. To Kill a Mockingbird! I am very in love with that book

    I like your ideas about the photos. Isn't it funny what different generations take for granted?

  5. i've been contemplating trying out film photography for a while now... maybe i will. :)


  6. oh my gosh this is totally me when I got my first film camera!!! :) its so exciting isn't it?! Just wait til you get the film developed, its so fun and exciting! you have no idea how they are gonna turn out. super fun :) i love film!

  7. Funny- I just did a post about film today too! I love film, and I definitely know what you mean about not taking advantage of the photos.

  8. it was pouring outside last night, and i'm a happy girl as well. great post, dearie, so jealous!
    -jocee <3

  9. OOOH... I love To Kill A Mocking Bird! And film. Yes, I love film.

